Wirral West MP among those speaking out against green belt planning appeals at public inquiry

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12 Jun 2023
Parliament has been dissolved until after the general election and I am no longer an MP.

On 8 June, Margaret Greenwood MP spoke at the public inquiry into seven planning appeals by Leverhulme Estates relating to their proposals  to build nearly 800 homes on Wirral’s green belt.

All seven of Leverhulme Estates’ initial planning applications were refused by Wirral Council.

The Wirral West MP was joined by other local politicians, including leader and deputy leader of Wirral Council, Cllr Paul Stuart and Cllr Jean Robinson respectively, as well as planning experts, representatives from stakeholder groups and members of the public, in speaking out against the proposals.

Proceedings were delayed as hundreds of Wirral West residents packed in to Wallasey Town Hall, with some having to be accommodated in an overspill room.

Days earlier, Margaret Greenwood MP and Cllr Paul Stuart wrote to Michael Gove, the Secretary of State for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities, to ask him to step in and ‘recover’ the planning appeals for determination by himself.

The public inquiry into the appeals is scheduled to last until 4 July. Sessions, including the one from last night, can be viewed here: https://wirral.public-i.tv/core/portal/home

You can read Margaret Greenwood MP’s statement in full below.


Dear Inspector McDonald,

Planning Inspectorate appeal references:

APP/W4325/W/22/3313729 – Land east of Glenwood Drive, Irby, Wirral, CH61 3XA
APP/W4325/W/22/3313734 – Land east of Dale View Close, north of Gills Lane, Pensby, Wirral, CH61 1AD
APP/W4325/W/22/3313737 – Land east of Thorncroft Drive, north of Gills Lane, Pensby, Wirral, CH61 1AQ
APP/W4325/W/22/3313741 – Land west of Barnston Road, north of Gills Lane, Barnston, Wirral, CH61 1AE
APP/W4325/W/22/3313743 – Land at Milner Road, Heswall, Wirral, CH60 2SJ
APP/W4325/W/22/3313775 – Land west of Raby Hall, Raby Hall Road, Raby Mere, Wirral, CH63 0NN
APP/W4325/W/22/3313777 – Land east of Raby Hall, Raby Hall Road, Raby Mere, Wirral, CH63 0NA

As the Member of Parliament for Wirral West, I wish to make a statement about the appeals by Leverhulme Estates against Wirral Council’s decision to refuse the series of planning applications for housing on green belt land in Wirral that are the subject of this inquiry.

I do this in support of my constituents, many of whom have made very clear to me that they are strongly opposed to these plans.

People have expressed their opposition to Leverhulme Estates’ proposals through the hundreds of emails that I have received in which constituents have set out their concerns, the numerous conversations that I have had with local residents, the very well attended public meetings, and the tens of thousands of signatories to local petitions to protect the green belt. There has also been widespread opposition to these plans in the local press and on social media.

I have spoken out in the House of Commons on several occasions against Leverhulme Estates’ proposals.

Four of Leverhulme Estates’ appeals concern applications for development on green belt land in my constituency of Wirral West. The areas affected are:

- Land West Of Barnston Road, North of Gills Lane
- Land East Of Thorncroft Drive, North Of Gills Lane
- Land East Of Dale View Close, North Of Gills Lane
- Land East Of Glenwood Drive

In addition, the land at Milner Road impacts my constituents, many of whom live in the vicinity of the site.

Wirral West has a semi-rural character, with 62% of the land being green belt. It is a very beautiful part of the world.

My constituents value the green belt very highly for the quality of life that it affords, the benefits to health and well-being that it brings and for the opportunities that it provides for access to nature. People value it too for the part that it can play in mitigating the impacts of climate change and supporting wildlife habitats to flourish.

These factors are of particular importance given the global climate and ecological emergency that we face. The UK Parliament declared an environment and climate emergency in 2019; Wirral Council also declared such an emergency in July of 2019.  

My constituents speak not only of their own desire to protect the green belt, but also of the responsibility to do so for future generations.

As the National Planning Policy Framework sets out, ‘The fundamental aim of green belt policy is to prevent urban sprawl by keeping land permanently open; the essential characteristics of green belts are their openness and their permanence.’

Of the five purposes of the green belt that are set out in the National Planning Policy Framework, all of the green belt land under threat of development by Leverhulme Estates’ seven proposals currently serve purpose (c) ‘to assist in safeguarding the countryside from encroachment’.

It may also be argued that the three sites off Gills Lane between Pensby and Barnston and the site at Milner Road also serve purpose (a) ‘to check the unrestricted sprawl of large built-up areas’.

It is clear too that all seven sites to which these appeals apply serve purpose (e) ‘to assist in urban regeneration, by encouraging the recycling of derelict and other urban land’.

Wirral Council’s draft Local Plan sets out how the borough’s housing needs can be met on brownfield sites and land in urban areas. It therefore follows that the development of the seven sites would not only encroach on the countryside that is so important to local people, but that it would run contrary to Wirral Council’s regeneration plans for the urban areas of Wirral. The exceptional circumstances required to justify amending the boundaries of the green belt do not exist.

The scale of Leverhulme Estates’ proposals would substantially and permanently alter the semi-rural character of west Wirral. Once the green belt is gone, it is gone forever.

I ask the Planning Inspectorate to reject these appeals.

Yours sincerely,
Margaret Greenwood MP
